Hey, I’m Kelsey

Mindset Coach for Entrepreneurs, Business Owners and Founders

I help women overcome fear, self doubt and imposter syndrome in business.


So they can reach a higher level of success, income, and impact, while taking care of their personal wellness.

I help folks just like you to:

Uncover the subconscious root-cause of their fear, stuck feelings, imposter syndrome - or any other bad vibe in their business

Identify the specific desires they have for their business and life, including impact, growth, money, flow, and a balanced lifestyle

Use tools and techniques to change the subconscious programs in their mind so they can (dare I say, almost instantly) show up confident, fearless, secure, calm and motivated

Develop routines to take action toward business goals and continue building the mindset that will lead them to sustainable success & take care of their wellbeing in the process

But most importantly, I have been exactly where you are right now

Yes, I have also:

  • Felt extremely stuck, knowing what I had to do but not taking action (confusing 😵‍💫!!)

  • Feared what reaching new heights would mean for my life, even though I REALLY wanted it

  • Doubted I could actually make it happen because I wasn’t capable or qualified enough

  • Wondered if I was actually deserving of owning a successful business in the first place

Ok now I am sweating from being vulnerable - buttttt I’m gunna go with it.

The truth is, figuring out your shit is really hard.
It is uncomfortable, and can be a life-long journey for some folks.

In my experience ✨ going through it ✨ and speaking to others who have faced similar challenges, I have learned different approaches work for different people.

There is no one-size-fits-all fix for the struggles you have as a business owner.

Why? Though we struggle in similar ways, the root cause of your struggle is unique to you.

In my approach, we go straight to the source - your subconscious mind.

The reason you are struggling is likely due to information (or “programs”) in your subconscious mind. I call this the “root-cause” of your struggle. I am here to help you find the subconscious programs hurting you, and turn them into programs that support your business goals.

Why I Love My Approach

  1. You don’t have to re-live your past. That means no hashing through the painful details of things that have hurt you.

  2. You can (sometimes) experience change in a short amount of time. I call this an “impactful mindset shift”

  3. You experience deep transformation that often improves your personal life (bonus!!)

  4. You are guided by someone who has also felt the pain of struggling to run their business, despite their best intentions. AKA - lots of compassion

The Bottom Line

Most entrepreneurs get stuck in their business due to self-worth, impostor syndrome, and self-identity surrounding their business. These issues come from your subconscious.

Upleveling in your business requires your subconscious programs to align with your business goals.

In order to achieve success, you must:

  1. Heal from your past

  2. Change your subconscious programming

  3. Take action in alignment with your goals

If you have resonated with what I have shared, welcome to my space.

I am very happy to have you here, whether it is for guidance, inspiration or personalized support.

I wasn’t always this cool…

I have stepped into a lot of shoes before arriving at the place I am in now… I thought it would be fun to let you in to take a peek!

My first job was teaching kids how to ice skate! I arrived here after quitting my ice hockey career (thank you teenage gal drama fits) but still loving the feeling of being on the ice rink.

I started working as a lil maintenance girl around the community centre where I taught skating lessons. This included cleaning glass, sweeping, pretending I cleaned the bathrooms but actually left it for person taking over after my shift, and hiding in lots of closets to text my long-distance boyfriend.

I was a summer camp leader - oh yeah, 30 kids under my supervision and fully following my lead for activities to keep them entertained for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. This was a tiring time of my life lol.

A life-long passion of mine was fulfilled when I got hired at the animal shelter I had volunteered at as a child. The highlight of my job was walking every single dog in a nearby forest throughout the day. This was a DREAM. I also got to snuggle newborn kittens and help people adopt pets or be reconnected with their lost pets. The worst part of the job? Scooping kitty litter.

I actually studied marketing and tourism management in my short and sweet post secondary career, and after working at a five star hotel in sales, marketing, food and beverage, and on the front line, as well as behind the scenes of a city’s tourism channels - I learned I just want to travel instead of make travel fun for other people. Sue me!

Get to Know Me - Rapid Fire Style

Sun Sign?


What did you want to be when you were a kid?

Either a Ballerina or a McDonalds worker - true story

One thing you would love to do:

Scuba dive alongside manta rays

One thing you will never do again:

Try eating a cashew nut fruit “just to see what it tastes like” 

Who knows you the best in the world?

My sister

Something others wouldn’t guess about you:

I played ice hockey for 7 years!

Salsa or Guac?

Guac for sure

Strongest of the five senses?


If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

Somewhere where I could swim in the ocean every morning

Vacation or Staycation?


Test the waters or dive in the deep end?

Dive in the deep end

Biggest fear?

Not living up to my highest potential in life

What would you sing at karaoke night?

1950 - King Princess

What year of your life would you re-live?

2019! Traveled to 9 countries with my loved ones